Wednesday, February 20, 2008

My First Blog

     Well, it's the 21st year of my life as of yesterday. So far so good. I love all in my environment and have a most wonderful life. This blog is an experiment for now, but we'll see where it goes. There's so much to relate about my life--I'll do it a little at a time. I suppose anyone reading this will do so to get to know me and keep up with events in my life. 
     So, for starters, the biggest event right now is that I'm currently seven and a half months pregnant. Joe and I are ready to meet this baby and it seems like nine months takes too long. I feel great and haven't had any of the regular pregnancy woes. Only now is my belly getting big enough to affect my breathing at all. I might be starting to waddle, but Joe hasn't noticed; so, maybe it just feels that way to me. Here I am at my best angle for looking big. Our baby is so strong and healthy. Instead of just bumps or kicks here and there, he/she is starting to press outward and hold or to surface (as I call it) like a whale coming to the surface of the water but finding restriction. It feels really neat and I love to feel our baby move.

    My guess is that we're having a girl, but we won't know until our baby is born. I've had name ideas float through my mind, but we aren't settling or even really discussing any until we can see and meet our baby. There'll be plenty of time to pick out the perfect name.
    I suppose that's it for now. Everything in my life right now will probably revolve around this pregnancy. I spend my days doing housekeeping and cooking. It's just me and the baby a lot, but I visit Joe at work in the mornings and they are home for lunch and in the evenings. It is a great life, like I mentioned before.


The Comptons said...

Wow, you need to update your blog there pal. I mean geeze i felt really mislead as I read through your last, first, and only entry. I expect a prompt reply and comprehensive update...)

The Comptons said...

woops, cyclops in a row smile.